I was in my room this morning when I looked out of my window to find this little chap staring at me.
He looked freezing cold outside so I let him in.
I once heard that apparently there are so many plastic bags floating around in our oceans that Jellyfish have started to mistake them for other Jellyfish and have started to have sex with them.
Well I did not believe the stories until now!
This little guy is called Martin and he is the offspring of this confusion.
His mother had sex with a stray plastic bag in mating season last year, luckily his father was an old school blue and white striped plastic bag which looks quite nice but apparently allot of the Plastic Bag Jellyfish Martin knows are marked withe the Tesco or Asda mark which is not cool.
Anyway Martin has come to me to seek refuge, he had to float away from his home as he was not accepted by the other straight forward Jellyfish and when he hung out with the plastic bags it was quite boring.
He says that there are thousand of his kind just wondering around looking for a place to fit in.
As I partly feel responsible for Martin's breed I have agreed to let him stay in my room for a while.
He shouldn't be any trouble as the plastic has taken the sting out of his tentacles.